Image Credit: McKenzie The Live Wedding Painter

Drops of Rejuvenation

You may be familiar with the rising trend of celebrities using IV drips to infuse their bloodstreams with concentrated and easily absorbed vitamins and fluids. The benefits of such treatments are seemingly endless – from helping you nurse a hangover to boosting your immune system – Jacqueline Foy sits down with Jackie Carroll, founder of Drip Haus IV Vitamin Infusions, to take you through the ways a cutting-edge IV Vitamin Infusion can make you feel refreshed and rejuvenated in the lead up to your special day.

Image Credit: Jaimee Andres

Carroll worked for seven years as a qualified paramedic before moving to Broome to work in a search and rescue helicopter. She found that she missed treating patients every day, and wanted to find a way to help people face-to-face all the time again. What she found was intravenous vitamins – once she tried them herself, she was sold. Carroll has expanded her business from Broome to Perth and has been an advocate for the benefits of IV vitamins ever since.

Not Just A Hangover Cure

Having heard about companies overseas using hydration drips to help people recover from a big night out, Carroll travelled over to the East Coast and saw the market was flooded with companies trying out these therapies. “Once I did my research and realised how vast the benefits were, and what these vitamin drips could do for all kinds of people, not just people with hangovers, it was hard to ignore,” Carroll says. “Once we launched in Broome, I realised that there was a large population of chronically unwell patients that were looking for alternative ways to treat their conditions,” she explains, and the results they’ve seen have been phenomenal. Carroll’s vision is to be a home-grown, trusted IV business in Western Australia. “There are a lot of big companies that are coming in from over east, but we are happy to grow only in our backyard,” she says, as she feels she understands Western Australian clientele the most, being from here herself.

Absorb The Benefits

Vitamin drips are a convenient and effective way to get the same vitamins that people take as oral

supplements every day. It takes around twenty to twenty-five minutes to administer, and the results can last for up to four weeks. Carroll notes that with everyone’s gut health being compromised these days, through absorption issues, inflammatory conditions and with the quality of food products not being as good as they perhaps once were, we
only absorb at best around thirty per cent of any oral supplements we ingest.

“The major difference is the bioavailability,” Carroll explains. “IV vitamins are administered straight into your blood stream, allowing almost one hundred per cent absorption of the vitamins in the IV bag,” she says. Even in the healthiest of people, the rate of absorption from oral vitamins is poor, and only reduces further in people with inflammatory issues or any kind of reduced gut health.

Rejuvenised And Ready

In the lead up to your big day, you are wanting to feel your very best, so a cocktail of vitamins that promises to act fast is very enticing. “We have drips that cater to all kinds of results,” Carroll says, with increased energy being their biggest request for pre-wedding clients. For this, Carroll has drips that are designed to kick-start your metabolism, which in turn can help with your quality of sleep and a reduction in anxiety leading up to your wedding day.

Vitamins such as vitamin C that can help with collagen production can give you an amazing glow to your skin and hair on your special day, while also building up your immune system – for her pre-wedding clients, Carroll recommends vitamin C to avoid becoming ill before your big day, plus B Complex and B12 for energy levels, and choline

for cognitive function to keep your mind sharp. She also recommends that anyone who suffers from cold sores add Lysine to prevent them coming up when you absolutely don’t want them, and lastly: “Some ‘calm your farm’ to help with your nerves before you walk down the aisle,” she adds. All of this, of course, helps keep you hydrated for your post wedding day recovery.

Feel Good

On the day of the appointment, a professionally registered nurse or paramedic comes to you – whether that be at home, a hotel, or any other location where you can relax. A thorough consultation is conducted to determine all your health factors that impact every-day vitamin levels, and based on this and every patient’s individual goals, Carroll’s team will make recommendations on what would best suit your needs. Drip Haus has a pre-set menu of drips
designed to achieve particular results, and also offer customised drips. “Some clients can walk out feeling a million dollars, others can take a couple of days for their cells to uptake and utilise the vitamins,” Carroll says, so don’t worry if you don’t feel different right away – give it two days and you will start to notice changes to your energy levels. A healthy person should enjoy the benefits for at least three to four weeks, Carroll says, but it does vary from person to person.

Carroll’s final advice is simple: relax and enjoy the day. It only comes around once, so be present and lap up every glorious moment while feeling your very best.